Welcome to TOH Church, Carver MA

A Church With A Direction

Faith is more than religion. It’s about a relationship between a person and God. Together, we make faith worth living. Whether you are just starting to ask questions or have been a dedicated Christian who wants to grow deeper in your faith, you can find a home here at TOH Church.  

TOH Church provides a space where you can have a life-changing experience with God. There is a purpose for each one of us. We desire to help you discover that purpose by helping you build your own relationship with God.

The compass of TOH Church always points to God.  

We welcome you and look forward to meeting you.

Church Meeting Times

Sunday Morning Service:
In Person: 10:00 AM
Live Stream: 10:30 AM

Wednesday Evenings: 
Book Study Group 7-8 PM

Ways to Give

Give by Venmo @TOHchurch 

Give by Check/Money Order

If you’d like to give to TOH Church but prefer to not give electronically, you are always welcome to give in person or send a check/money order to:
Tabernacle of Hope Church
5 Main St.
Carver, MA 02330

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